Problem after upgrading to v4.5.16

After upgrading to v4.5.16 there was a problem processing the payment gateways.
Please see the problem below…

(1/1) RuntimeException

Class ‘\Omnipay\VivaPayments\RedirectGateway’ not found
in GatewayFactory.php (line 105)
at GatewayFactory->create(’\Omnipay\VivaPayments\RedirectGateway’)
at call_user_func_array(array(object(GatewayFactory), ‘create’), array(‘VivaPayments_Redirect’))in Omnipay.php (line 115)
at Omnipay::__callStatic(‘create’, array(‘VivaPayments_Redirect’))in Gateway.php (line 217)
at Gateway->getFields()in AccountGatewayController.php (line 138)
at AccountGatewayController->getViewModel(object(AccountGateway))in AccountGatewayController.php (line 61)
at AccountGatewayController->edit(‘3’)
at call_user_func_array(array(object(AccountGatewayController), ‘edit’), array(‘gateways’ => ‘3’))in Controller.php (line 54)
at Controller->callAction(‘edit’, array(‘gateways’ => ‘3’))in ControllerDispatcher.php (line 45)
at ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(object(Route), object(AccountGatewayController), ‘edit’)in Route.php (line 212)
at Route->runController()in Route.php (line 169)
at Route->run()in Router.php (line 658)…

Thank you in advance…

The latest version is 4.5.17 but I don’t think that should matter.

Did you get the code from GitHub or are you using the self host zip?

I use self host zip and for gateway this script…

Everything worked properly for 2 years until the update.
The update process was done by copy over the latest code
Is there anything that could affect the function?

Thank you

Hi to all

The problem was solved by running from the root “composer require delatbabel/omnipay-vivapayments”

Best Regards