PhantomJsCloud behind proxy?

I created an account with PhantomJs Cloud and set this in the settings:


I am unable to view a PDF but can view a PDF in the customer portal (with my logo broken).

Anyone else have similar problems?

My config is a nginx proxy with SSL that redirects to http ninja host with nginx. Let me know if I can give you more informations


One problem I see is the key is invalid, try changing it to ‘a-demo-key-with-low-quota-per-ip-address’

There’s more info here which may help:

Hi @hillel

Of course there is a demo key and not asdf, just did not wanted to share it here :grinning:
Thank you for the link. Snappdf seems to be the recommended pdf converter.

/var/www/invoiceninja/vendor/bin/snappdf download
gives me this error
Chromium binary already downloaded. Provide --force to download again.
so I do it again with force and change PHANTOMJS_PDF_GENERATION=false

I think I either need to restart again or try docker the next time.