Payment without invoice


Is there a way to enter payments without connecting them to an invoice?
It’s rare but sometimes this is needed. For example when PayPal sends you 1 cent to confirm your bank account.
I can’t log that “income” without creating an invoice.

At the moment I’m using v4 but I’m about to upgrade. So if that’s a v5 feature feel free to let me know.



In v5 we’ve added the ability to create a payment without linking it to an invoice however the expectation is that the payment will eventually be applied to an invoice.

Invoice Ninja is an invoicing app, not an accounting app. v5 does not support a general ledger accounting system.

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Thanks for the quick answer!

What do you mean by “the expectation is that the payment will eventually be applied to an invoice.”
What would be the “consequences” if I don’t?

If the payment isn’t applied it isn’t counted in the client’s balance/paid to date

Edit: hmm… it may count in the paid to date, I suggest testing it to be sure

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