Payment form doesn't work


When i want to subscribe to the 12 month pro plan, the payment form doesnt work, all the fields are OK, and the pay button does nothing. I noticed that there is an html or javascript error in the dev console : “An invalid form control with name=‘email’ is not focusable”. I use latest version of chrome on windows.

My trial end ins two days, i’d like to subscribe.

Best regards

Can you check that your email is shown here:

I check my email and there is a mistake, no @ : and not the complete email.

I think there is a bug because, i signup with google and did not fill manually my email.

my email is, each time i modify it, it is always shorten by the software.

The problem is still the same with the payment.

If i disable google sign in in the settings, and put a shortest email, will it work ? I don’t want to loose my account.

Best regards.

I think I may see the problem, @parent is a reserved word in the framework we use. It may be causing an issue in the email address. Do you have another email address to try with?

yes but i sigup with google account, i try to modify with a different email in the invoice ninja settings, and in the invoice prior to the payment the old email is still here, and the bug of payment the same. Should i disable ggogle auth in the settings ? i don’t want to loose my account …

Best regards.

Please send the new email address to use to and we’ll update it for you.