Nordigen Expired?

Every day I get an email about the Nordigen bank feed integration being expired.
After the email, it does no longer import the feed.

Is this a (known) limitation of self hosted?


In the latest version of the app we added an option to reconnect your account which may resolve the error.

Not sure what you mean.

I did the “connect” with Gocardless (former Nordigen) - Then it seems to work for a couple hours (or a day at most) - I get an email saying the access has expired as per the user agreement.

Then I have to “connect” again or it doesn’t import the feed anymore (there is also a red exclamation mark next to the bank account)

@david do you have any thoughts?

Requisitions should last ~90 days

Doesn’t seem to be the case on my end :slight_smile:
Not sure why?

+1 having the same problem with nordigen. Requisition expires within 24 hours while during the integration process and wizard it has access for 180 days.

I’m not sure if this was the exact cause, or just a coincidence, but you never know it helps someone:
In my case I thought it might be related to DuckDNS. I switched dynamic DNS providers, and after that it kept working.

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