No way to run a report for total time spent on tasks?

There is as glaring issue with the way reports are run when it comes to tasks. If you work on a task multiple different times, each entry (in the .csv report and subsequently in the data shown), the duration column’s value is not the duration of the time spent on that chunk of the task, but instead the current duration of the task as a whole at the time of competing that “chunk”. The obvious problem here is that when you just sum that column, tasks over counted. This seems like a bug to me, duration should be the time spend on that chunk of the task, the difference between the end time and the start time.

Is there a workaround for this? Right now, to find out how many hours were spent working on tasks in a given time period for the report, I have to export the .csv and manually delete the duplicate entries. For a time tracking invoicing software like this, this seems a little too manual. What am I missing? There is also no task number in the report, which makes automating this in excel challenging. I’ve attached a screenshot showing an example of this, highlighting the redundant entries for total time tracking.


You should be able to adjust the included columns but feel free to send an email to [email protected] if you’d like to see a change made to the app.

Note: if you’re using the web app you may want to try the desktop app.

You can’t adjust it to omit duplicate entries, that I’ve found. If there is a method I am neglecting please let me know.

I actually primarily use the desktop app and the behavior is the same. I went to the web app to see if maybe it was fixed there.

Have you tried the ‘Task Item’ report?

Never tried that, and it’s exactly what I am looking for! Thank you for your help.

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