No stripe configuration shown

InvoiceNinja v5.3.78-C77 self hosted.


I am confused as I would like to configure a stripe payment. I followed this instructions, but I don’t have the same screens. I don’t have Gateway setup.

I tried to put an account ID from stripe by generating a new API key but that did not work. My client reported me this error:

Il y a eu une erreur lors du traitement de paiement [0]. Veuillez réessayer plus tard. Message:

$config must be a string or an array.

How could I enable the Gateway setup for Stripe?

This is an on going problem and this has a github post for it as well. I’m having the same issue with Stripe on a fresh install of v5.3.78-C77 with Stripe integration.

If I remember correctly Stripe was working in v5.1.xx. I updated regularly since then.

I prefer to wait a future release to correct this rather than deploying a fresh install and doing and export/import.
Hope it will be sorted out by the great dev team we have :wink:


Thanks for reporting this!

cc @david


I am making a change in the next release, the Stripe gateway fields will be reinitialized, this should resolve this issue.

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I just upgraded to latest and still missing the Stripe gateway fields. I’m on v5.3.79 latest.

What about in 5.3.84?

I just upgraded to 5.3.84 and see no changes about the stripe payment plateform.
Could you please advice us?

Thanks for letting us know!

cc @david


Could you please check the gateways table in the database and paste the contents of the fields column for the row with ID 20 please.


This is a csv export of the ID:20 from gateways table:
“20”,“Stripe”,“d14dd26a37cecc30fdd65700bfb55b23”,“Stripe”,“1”,“1”,“Stripe Login | Sign in to the Stripe Dashboard”“{"“account_id"”:"”"“, "“appleDomainVerification"”:"”"“}”“”,“1”,“2021-06-12 15:22:38.428487”,“2022-01-09 10:05:40.465150”

and below a screenshot

Hope that helps.

I am having the same issue. Hope to see a response.

@david any thoughts?


In the next release, we’ll include a new migration which will reset the Stripe configuration. This should resolve this.

Hello, when you say next release, is it next major release or minor release ?
I recently updated to v5.3.93-C84 and the page looks the same as from my first post.