New updates is not displayed in the new UI 🙀


Sorry for the trouble, I suggest following up on GitHub.

I have already done that with this issue in the past. Se below:

But this issue/bug has not been cared for so far. It just keeps coming back @hillel

The issue was marked as closed, I’ve reopened it

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Thanks @hillel! :+1:

I hope this will be fixed because its really annoying.
(The download update server fail and notification issue).

Kind regards

FYI… No Update Notification After Upgrading to 5.10.x · Issue #1976 · invoiceninja/ui · GitHub

Ok, thanks for the update @hillel
So the notification issue is finally being worked on?

What out the download update server responding with that the update download package is missing? Is that looked into too?

Kind regards

I believe that issues is only tracking the lack of notification

Hello fellas! @david and @hillel :smiley:

I’d just like to thank you for finally fixing this issue and adding a working update notification to the new UI. It took long time, but you have finally done it, so I would like thank you very much guys!

It is very appreciated! :heart: :facepunch:

Kind regards

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