New Problem with customer statement


In the next release you can set your server timezone using the server env variable


This will enable your changes to persist after an update.

You guys are great, thanks for being so responsive!
Much appreciated!

My server is in Central Time. Changing this from UTC to America/Chicago or US/Central works in the sense that if I change it, run php artisan ninja:post-update, and then check with php artisan schedule:list the times listed have changed from UTC to my local time. There are no errors.

However, this change causes the Invoice Ninja UI to hang when it is initially loading/refreshing data from the server. This is happening in the browser, and the iOS apps. There’s nothing in the logs.

Reverting to UTC fixes the issue.

Presumably, the server jumping back in time 5 or 6 hours is problematic, but this does NOT resolve itself after time passes (I initially left it for 24 hours; there was no change).

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I’ve set that server env variable in the .env file, however the old behavior of the statement date being one day ahead persists. It was fixed with the edit to the config/app.php file prior, however adding the above variable to the env file doesn’t seem to have fixed it for me. Am I perhaps missing something?


line 69 of app.php should look like this?

'timezone' => env('SERVER_TIMEZONE', 'UTC'),

if it doesn’t then perhaps your app isn’t on the latest version yet?

I think this is fixed, I’ll follow up if any issues.
Thank you for all the help!