New Installation - Error 403

I didn’t want to create a new topic unless I had too.
I created a subdomain and installed Invoice Ninja directly into that folder.

Installation succeeds, however after logging in and entering a company name, I get a 403 error as shown below

403: {data: {id: VolejRejNm, company_key: aPlp2LN890WpTwVxZnCuce2QkIaYkvSH, update_products: true, fill_products: true, convert_products: false, custom_surcharge_taxes1: false, custom_surcharge_taxes2: false, custom_surcharge_taxes3: false, custom_surcharge_taxes4: false, show_product_cost: false, enable_product_cost: false, show_product_details: true, enable_product_quantity: true, default_quantity: true, custom_fields: {}, size_id: , industry_id: , first_month_of_year: 1, first_day_of_week: , subdomain: , portal_mode: subdomain, portal_domain: , settings: {auto_archive_invoice: false, qr_iban: , besr_id: , lock_invoices: off, enable_client_portal_tasks: false, show_all_tasks_client_portal: invoiced, enable_client_portal_password: false, enable_client_portal: true, enable_client_portal_dashboard: false, signature_on_pdf: false, document_email_attachment: false, portal_design_id: 1, timezone_id: 1, date_format_id: 1, military_time: false, language_id: 1, show_currency_code: false, company_gateway_ids: , currency_id: 1, custom_value1: , custom_value2: , custom_value3: , custom_value4: , default_task_rate: 0, payment_terms: , send_reminders: true, custom_message_dashboard: , custom_message_unpaid_invoice: , custom_message_paid_invoice: , custom_message_unapproved_quote: , auto_archive_quote: false, auto_convert_quote: true, auto_email_invoice: true, entity_send_time: 6, inclusive_taxes: false, quote_footer: , translations: {}, counter_number_applied: when_saved, quote_number_applied: when_saved, invoice_number_pattern: , invoice_number_counter: 1, recurring_invoice_number_pattern: , recurring_invoice_number_counter: 1, quote_number_pattern: , quote_number_counter: 1, client_number_pattern: , client_number_counter: 1, credit_number_pattern: , credit_number_counter: 1, task_number_pattern: , task_number_counter: 1, expense_number_pattern: , expense_number_counter: 1, recurring_expense_number_pattern: , recurring_expense_number_counter: 1, recurring_quote_number_pattern: , recurring_quote_number_counter: 1, vendor_number_pattern: , vendor_number_counter: 1, ticket_number_pattern: , ticket_number_counter: 1, payment_number_pattern: , payment_number_counter: 1, project_number_pattern: , project_number_counter: 1, purchase_order_number_pattern: , purchase_order_number_counter: 1, shared_invoice_quote_counter: false, shared_invoice_credit_counter: false, recurring_number_prefix: , reset_counter_frequency_id: 0, reset_counter_date: , counter_padding: 4, auto_bill: off, auto_bill_date: on_due_date, invoice_terms: , quote_terms: , invoice_taxes: 0, invoice_design_id: Wpmbk5ezJn, quote_design_id: Wpmbk5ezJn, credit_design_id: Wpmbk5ezJn, purchase_order_design_id: Wpmbk5ezJn, purchase_order_footer: , purchase_order_terms: , purchase_order_public_notes: , require_purchase_order_signature: false, invoice_footer: , credit_footer: , credit_terms: , invoice_labels: , tax_name1: , tax_rate1: 0, tax_name2: , tax_rate2: 0, tax_name3: , tax_rate3: 0, payment_type_id: 0, valid_until: , show_accept_invoice_terms: false, show_accept_quote_terms: false, require_invoice_signature: false, require_quote_signature: false, email_sending_method: default, gmail_sending_user_id: 0, reply_to_email: , reply_to_name: , bcc_email: , pdf_email_attachment: false, ubl_email_attachment: false, email_style: light, email_style_custom: , email_subject_invoice: , email_subject_quote: , email_subject_credit: , email_subject_payment: , email_subject_payment_partial: , email_subject_statement: , email_subject_purchase_order: , email_template_purchase_order: , email_template_invoice: , email_template_credit: , email_template_quote: , email_template_payment: , email_template_payment_partial: , email_template_statement: , email_subject_reminder1: , email_subject_reminder2: , email_subject_reminder3: , email_subject_reminder_endless: , email_template_reminder1: , email_template_reminder2: , email_template_reminder3: , 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font_size: 16, primary_font: Roboto, secondary_font: Roboto, primary_color: #298AAB, secondary_color: #7081e0, page_numbering: false, page_numbering_alignment: C, hide_paid_to_date: false, embed_documents: false, all_pages_header: false, all_pages_footer: false, pdf_variables: {client_details: [$, $client.number, $client.vat_number, $client.address1, $client.address2, $client.city_state_postal, $, $, $], vendor_details: [$, $vendor.number, $vendor.vat_number, $vendor.address1, $vendor.address2, $vendor.city_state_postal, $, $, $], purchase_order_details: [$purchase_order.number, $purchase_order.po_number, $, $purchase_order.due_date, $, $purchase_order.balance_due], company_details: [$, $company.id_number, $company.vat_number, $, $, $], company_address: [$company.address1, $company.address2, $company.city_state_postal, $], invoice_details: [$invoice.number, $invoice.po_number, $, $invoice.due_date, $, $invoice.balance_due], quote_details: [$quote.number, $quote.po_number, $, $quote.valid_until, $], credit_details: [$credit.number, $credit.po_number, $, $credit.balance, $], product_columns: [$product.item, $product.description, $product.unit_cost, $product.quantity, $, $, $product.line_total], product_quote_columns: [$product.item, $product.description, $product.unit_cost, $product.quantity, $, $, $product.line_total], task_columns: [$task.service, $task.description, $task.rate, $task.hours, $, $, $task.line_total], total_columns: [$net_subtotal, $subtotal, $discount, $custom_surcharge1, $custom_surcharge2, $custom_surcharge3, $custom_surcharge4, $total_taxes, $line_taxes, $total, $paid_to_date, $outstanding], statement_invoice_columns: [$invoice.number, $, $due_date, $total, $balance], statement_payment_columns: [$invoice.number, $, $method, $statement_amount], statement_credit_columns: [$credit.number, $, $total, $credit.balance], statement_details: [$statement_date, $balance], delivery_note_columns: [$product.item, $product.description, $product.quantity]}, portal_custom_head: , portal_custom_css: , portal_custom_footer: , portal_custom_js: , client_can_register: false, client_portal_terms: , client_portal_privacy_policy: , client_portal_enable_uploads: false, client_portal_allow_under_payment: false, client_portal_under_payment_minimum: 0, client_portal_allow_over_payment: false, use_credits_payment: off, hide_empty_columns_on_pdf: false, email_from_name: , auto_archive_invoice_cancelled: false, vendor_portal_enable_uploads: false, send_email_on_mark_paid: false, postmark_secret: , custom_sending_email: , mailgun_secret: , mailgun_domain: , mailgun_endpoint:, brevo_secret: , auto_bill_standard_invoices: false, email_alignment: center, show_email_footer: true, company_logo_size: , show_paid_stamp: false, show_shipping_address: false, accept_client_input_quote_approval: false, allow_billable_task_items: true, show_task_item_description: false, client_initiated_payments: false, client_initiated_payments_minimum: 0, sync_invoice_quote_columns: true, e_invoice_type: EN16931, e_quote_type: OrderX_Comfort, default_expense_payment_type_id: 0, enable_e_invoice: false, delivery_note_design_id: , statement_design_id: , payment_receipt_design_id: , payment_refund_design_id: , classification: , payment_email_all_contacts: false, show_pdfhtml_on_mobile: true, use_unapplied_payment: off, enable_rappen_rounding: false}, enabled_tax_rates: 0, enabled_modules: 65535, updated_at: 1713656442, archived_at: 0, created_at: 1713656442, slack_webhook_url: , google_analytics_url: , google_analytics_key: , matomo_url: , matomo_id: , enabled_item_tax_rates: 0, client_can_register: false, is_large: false, is_disabled: false, enable_shop_api: false, mark_expenses_invoiceable: false, mark_expenses_paid: false, invoice_expense_documents: false, invoice_task_timelog: true, auto_start_tasks: false, invoice_task_documents: false, show_tasks_table: false, use_credits_payment: always, default_task_is_date_based: false, enable_product_discount: false, calculate_expense_tax_by_amount: false, hide_empty_columns_on_pdf: false, expense_inclusive_taxes: false, expense_amount_is_pretax: true, oauth_password_required: false, session_timeout: 0, default_password_timeout: 1800000, invoice_task_datelog: true, show_task_end_date: false, markdown_enabled: false, use_comma_as_decimal_place: false, report_include_drafts: false, client_registration_fields: [{key: first_name, required: true, visible: true}, {key: last_name, required: true, visible: true}, {key: email, required: true, visible: true}, {key: phone, required: false, visible: true}, {key: password, required: true, visible: true}, {key: name, required: false, visible: false}, {key: website, required: false, visible: false}, {key: address1, required: false, visible: false}, {key: address2, required: false, visible: false}, {key: city, required: false, visible: false}, {key: state, required: false, visible: false}, {key: postal_code, required: false, visible: false}, {key: country_id, required: false, visible: false}, {key: custom_value1, required: false, visible: false}, {key: custom_value2, required: false, visible: false}, {key: custom_value3, required: false, visible: false}, {key: custom_value4, required: false, visible: false}, {key: public_notes, required: false, visible: false}, {key: vat_number, required: false, visible: false}, {key: currency_id, required: false, visible: false}], convert_rate_to_client: true, markdown_email_enabled: true, stop_on_unpaid_recurring: false, use_quote_terms_on_conversion: false, stock_notification: true, inventory_notification_threshold: 0, track_inventory: false, enable_applying_payments: false, enabled_expense_tax_rates: 0, invoice_task_project: false, report_include_deleted: false, invoice_task_lock: false, convert_payment_currency: false, convert_expense_currency: false, notify_vendor_when_paid: false, invoice_task_hours: false, calculate_taxes: false, tax_data: {seller_subregion: CA, version: alpha, regions: {US: {has_sales_above_threshold: false, tax_all_subregions: false, subregions: {AL: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4, tax_name: Sales Tax}, AK: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 0, tax_name: Sales Tax}, AZ: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5.6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, AR: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, CA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 7.25, tax_name: Sales Tax}, CO: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 2.9, tax_name: Sales Tax}, CT: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.35, tax_name: Sales Tax}, DE: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 0, tax_name: Sales Tax}, FL: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, GA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4, tax_name: Sales Tax}, HI: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4, tax_name: Sales Tax}, ID: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, IL: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.25, tax_name: Sales Tax}, IN: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 7, tax_name: Sales Tax}, IA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, KS: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, KY: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, LA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4.45, tax_name: Sales Tax}, ME: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5.5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, MD: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, MA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.25, tax_name: Sales Tax}, MI: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, MN: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.875, tax_name: Sales Tax}, MS: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 7, tax_name: Sales Tax}, MO: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4.225, tax_name: Sales Tax}, MT: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 0, tax_name: Sales Tax}, NE: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5.5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, NV: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.85, tax_name: Sales Tax}, NH: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 0, tax_name: Sales Tax}, NJ: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.625, tax_name: Sales Tax}, NM: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5.125, tax_name: Sales Tax}, NY: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4, tax_name: Sales Tax}, NC: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4.75, tax_name: Sales Tax}, ND: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, OH: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5.75, tax_name: Sales Tax}, OK: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4.5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, OR: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 0, tax_name: Sales Tax}, PA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, RI: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 7, tax_name: Sales Tax}, SC: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, SD: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4.5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, TN: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 7, tax_name: Sales Tax}, TX: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.25, tax_name: Sales Tax}, UT: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5.95, tax_name: Sales Tax}, VT: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, VA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5.3, tax_name: Sales Tax}, WA: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6.5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, WV: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 6, tax_name: Sales Tax}, WI: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 5, tax_name: Sales Tax}, WY: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 4, tax_name: Sales Tax}}}, EU: {has_sales_above_threshold: false, tax_all_subregions: false, tax_threshold: 10000, subregions: {AT: {tax_rate: 20, tax_name: USt, reduced_tax_rate: 10, apply_tax: false}, BE: {tax_rate: 21, tax_name: BTW, reduced_tax_rate: 6, apply_tax: false}, BG: {tax_rate: 20, tax_name: НДС, reduced_tax_rate: 9, apply_tax: false}, CY: {tax_rate: 19, tax_name: ΦΠΑ, reduced_tax_rate: 9, apply_tax: false}, CZ: {tax_rate: 21, tax_name: DPH, reduced_tax_rate: 15, apply_tax: false}, DE: {tax_rate: 19, tax_name: MwSt, reduced_tax_rate: 7, apply_tax: false}, DK: {tax_rate: 25, tax_name: Moms, reduced_tax_rate: 0, apply_tax: false}, EE: {tax_rate: 20, tax_name: KM, reduced_tax_rate: 9, apply_tax: false}, ES: {tax_rate: 21, tax_name: IVA, reduced_tax_rate: 10, apply_tax: false}, FI: {tax_rate: 24, tax_name: ALV, reduced_tax_rate: 14, apply_tax: false}, FR: {tax_rate: 20, tax_name: TVA, reduced_tax_rate: 5.5, apply_tax: false}, GR: {tax_rate: 24, tax_name: ΦΠΑ, reduced_tax_rate: 13, apply_tax: false}, HR: {tax_rate: 25, tax_name: PDV, reduced_tax_rate: 5, apply_tax: false}, HU: {tax_rate: 27, tax_name: ÁFA, reduced_tax_rate: 5, apply_tax: false}, IE: {tax_rate: 23, tax_name: VAT, reduced_tax_rate: 0, apply_tax: false}, IT: {tax_rate: 22, tax_name: IVA, reduced_tax_rate: 10, apply_tax: false}, LT: {tax_rate: 21, tax_name: PVM, reduced_tax_rate: 9, apply_tax: false}, LU: {tax_rate: 17, tax_name: TVA, reduced_tax_rate: 3, apply_tax: false}, LV: {tax_rate: 21, tax_name: PVN, reduced_tax_rate: 12, apply_tax: false}, MT: {tax_rate: 18, tax_name: VAT, reduced_tax_rate: 5, apply_tax: false}, NL: {tax_rate: 21, tax_name: BTW, reduced_tax_rate: 9, apply_tax: false}, PT: {tax_rate: 23, tax_name: IVA, reduced_tax_rate: 6, apply_tax: false}, RO: {tax_rate: 19, tax_name: TVA, reduced_tax_rate: 5, apply_tax: false}, SE: {tax_rate: 25, tax_name: Moms, reduced_tax_rate: 12, apply_tax: false}, SI: {tax_rate: 22, tax_name: DDV, reduced_tax_rate: 9.5, apply_tax: false}, SK: {tax_rate: 20, tax_name: DPH, reduced_tax_rate: 10, apply_tax: false}}}, AU: {has_sales_above_threshold: false, tax_all_subregions: false, tax_threshold: 75000, subregions: {AU: {apply_tax: false, tax_rate: 10, tax_name: GST}}}}, model: null}, has_e_invoice_certificate: false, has_e_invoice_certificate_passphrase: false, invoice_task_project_header: true, invoice_task_item_description: true, origin_tax_data: {}, smtp_host: , smtp_port: 0, smtp_encryption: , smtp_username: , smtp_password: , smtp_local_domain: , smtp_verify_peer: true, documents: []}}

I am not sure if having 2 installations of invoice ninja installed causes this error.
One is at and this one is a


It may help to disable mod_security

Yep that fixed it instantly!

Is there anyway for my to export my company from admin to erp ?

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean?

I have my company at the installation of
I would like to move that company to my installation of
Is there anyway of doing that ?

You can use mysqldump to transfer the database, you’ll also want to copy over the .env file but change the value of APP_URL

I am on a hosted server, I won’t be able to use mysqldump. Is there anything else I can do ?

I managed to change the .env file to use the other database and changed the app key and it worked successfully.