New docker install connection issue


I have the container up and running, docker logs show it is “ready to handle connections”

However no matter what config I try, I cannot connect.

If I exec into the container, netstat shows `php-fpm.conf’ listening on port 9000 but wget gets a connection failed.
I also can’t connect on the docker exposed port.

Below is my config

version: '3.9'
    image: invoiceninja/invoiceninja:latest
    container_name: invoice-ninja
      APP_URL: http://localhost
      APP_KEY: <key here>
      APP_DEBUG: true
      REQUIRE_HTTPS: false
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 3007:80
      - 9000:9000


Have you tried using the standard Docker file?

Thanks for the super quick reply!

I did start with that and modified it to my environment.
I have MySQL, Redis, and Ninx already running on my network so I removed those parts of the docker-compose.

I suggest checking if the standard Docker file loads correctly.

I don’t have much experience with Docker, I won’t be able to help with any changes.

After some digging it looks like it’s because IN5 uses php-fpm which uses FastCGI which is served by Nginx.
So IN5 will not run without Nginx.

I’m used to most applications providing some form of built-in web server.

Looks like I should be able to pick apart what’s here dockerfiles/config/nginx/in-vhost.conf at master · invoiceninja/dockerfiles · GitHub and get that setup in my nginx instance.
