Multiple Accounts connected at the same time in the InvoiceNinja Mac OSX App

Hi Hillel, I have a question; It is possible in the mac osx invoice ninja application to have two companies logged in at the same time and click on each one to change when needed without having to log out, change the url, email and password (each company is running on different servers with different emails and different owners) 1 company I am the admin and the other I am a guest user, to explain better in a few words it is something like how the new teams works that allows you to have several connected accounts

I tried clicking add company but it created a new one, I would like to add an existing one with its email url and password


Sorry, it isn’t supported. Maybe you can use the web app for one account and the desktop app for another? You can install the web app as a PWA to make it feel more like a desktop app.

oh ok that’s a shame, yes correct, I’m using it as well, one runs natively in the app and another as a webapp, hopefully in the future it will be possible, best regards