Microsoft O365 how to use?

Hi everyone again,

Sorry if I have a lot of questions getting everything up and running… But it’s getting there have a lot of it configured and setup by now but would like to be able to use SSO with my Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) so then I found this I got really happy :slight_smile:

How to use the login method for the Microsoft 365?

'o365' => [
        'client_secret' => env('MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET', false),
        'client_id' => env('MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID', false),
        'tenant_id' => env('MICROSOFT_TENANT_ID', false),

I have added the env to my docker config and created an app registration within my MS365 tenant and provided the client secret and id + tenant id but doesn’t seam to make any changes in the login methods in my instants.


Is there some documentation that I’m missing in how to setup it up?
If I gues correct I should see a login with MS as on the cloud Invoiceninja app right ?


The OAuth logins aren’t designed to be used on the selfhost platform. We support Microsoft OAuth to enable our hosted users to send emails with Microsoft, selfhosted users can configure SMTP instead.

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Hi Hillel, I wanted to follow up on this topic as I’m interested in integrating my self-hosted app with single sign-on using SAML authentication with Azure. Is this possible or are there software limitations?

Sorry, it isn’t supported