Margins on Selfhosted Invoice Ninja

I am using Invoice Ninja with the following details:
Version: v5.10.29
Platform: Selfhosting

The default margins are too small making it problematic during printing. I would like to increase the top, bottom, right and left margins. From online resources, i have created a custom invoice (Advanced Settings > Invoice Design> Custom Designs> Includes) and changed the default margins from:

@page {
margin-left: $global_margin;
margin-right: $global_margin;
margin-top: 5;
margin-bottom: 0;
size: $page_size $page_layout;


@page {
margin-left: $global_margin;
margin-right: $global_margin;
margin-top: 40;
margin-bottom: 40;
size: $page_size $page_layout;

This change seems to work but it however results in smaller text heights. I want to retain the text heights even after adjusting the margins. In addition, I also have Page Numbering at the bottom of the Invoice but for the life of me i cannot figure out how to move the page numbering higher from the bottom of the page.



Sorry, I don’t have the solution for the margins.

The page numbering is generated using JavaScript, I don’t believe it can be adjusted using CSS.

The page numbering is post processed using FPDI, we hard code the coordinated position.

In the next release you can adjust the X/Y locations using the following .env variables


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This will be funtastic…

Is this now implemented?