Link in Invoice Email does not redirect to Client Portal


In the invoice email that is sent to the client, the “View Invoice” link redirects to the app’s admin login page instead of the client portal.

base app url:
client portal url:

Invoice Ninja v5 5.5.41-C100


can you show a sample link

I would be happy to! Here’s a screenshot of a test email I sent to myself (to a fake client; to be specific).

The view Invoice link you see in the screenshot is in this format:

Shouldn’t the link use the client portal subdomain instead? I’m inquiring about this because I have password protection on the invoices and a client was having a hard time accessing it and that’s when I noticed the link isn’t right. I have disabled protection for their invoices since.


I see the issue here, I’ve checked a fix in which will be available in the next release.

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