Keep getting a 504 Gateway Time-Out error

You’d run that command in /var/log/nginx

I suggest checking ininja.error.log

This is the log.

2024/03/17 08:44:03 [error] 856#856: *17164 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading respons>2024/03/17 08:44:14 [error] 856#856: *17170 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading respons>2024/03/17 09:23:25 [error] 856#856: *17698 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading respons>2024/03/17 10:44:41 [error] 856#856: *18809 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading respons>2024/03/17 10:46:33 [error] 856#856: *18809 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading respons>

Here is the .1 at the end

2024/03/16 09:00:15 [error] 824#824: *15617 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading respons>2024/03/16 09:19:19 [error] 823#823: *15857 recv() failed (104: Unknown error) while reading response hea>2024/03/16 09:23:36 [error] 854#854: *13 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading response h>2024/03/16 09:28:04 [error] 854#854: *81 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading response h>2024/03/16 09:29:51 [error] 854#854: *81 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading response h>2024/03/16 09:31:37 [error] 854#854: *81 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading response h>2024/03/16 10:24:05 [error] 856#856: *40 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading response h>2024/03/16 10:24:17 [error] 856#856: *40 upstream timed out (110: Unknown error) while reading response h>

Maybe this will help:

Well i have added those to the top of my config… Now my browser is throwing a err Connection refused error

I added the
location ~ .php$ {

  fastcgi_read_timeout 180;

To my nginx.conf file so Im not sure if that is what I was supposed to do xD

I increased the php memory limit to 512M as well but no luck.

Sorry, not sure what else to suggest.

Well while I was pushing through the update it came online… so yeah just finishing up the update and see if it comes back.

Now im getting this ;(
whilist performing “sudo -u www-data php artisan migrate”

I suggest checking the database credentials are correct in the .env file.

Where does one check that ?

There is a file called .env in the root folder of the project

I think that solved the problem…

Changed the Database to the correct DB and changed the password as I cant remember what I set it as xD

But seems to be working now


Glad to hear it, thanks for the update!

Welp it is off again. same error. Checked the .env its still the same so I dont know what it is

I managed to download the log file.

Do you see any related errors in the log file?

I assume a 504 would be logged in the web server error logs, not the application logs.