Hello there, I’ve stumbled over invoice ninja yesterday and making some progress already adjusting my custom invoice template. Love it so far, however, sure enough some questions have raised:
Is it possible to have more than 1 custom template without modifying database? It would be so much simpler if one would be able to copy / rename an original template and it would show up in the drop down list for selection and modification
Is it possible to arrange / remove Headers completely from invoice table of the generated pdf? I.e.:
If added an additional field called ‘Position’ under ‘Advanced Settings’ -> ‘Invoice Settings’ -> ‘Custom Fields’ -> ‘Invoice Item Fields’. This field shows up in 3rd position in Header of invoice (table) after ‘Item’ and ‘Description’, I need that to be in 1st place.
Furthermore, is it possible to fill the new created field automatically so it reflects the item count (position) on invoice?:
Hello there.
So, the use of position instead of the article is unsupported also in v5? Any plans for this feature?
Use custom filed with manual position number is error-prone. Are there any alternatives?
In Germany, for services, which I usually make, the invoices do not have the column “Article”.
They have the column “Position”, where the sequential number of the list item is provided.
so, typically invoice would look like this:
| Pos. | Bescription | price | amount | sum |
| 1 | service 1 | 100€ | 2 | 200 |
| 2 | service 2 | 10€ | 20 | 200 |
here is the screen of an invoice of HW supplier as an example:
As I understood, IN does not have an automatic counter. If I would want to have a similar invoice - I would have to add the custom field to the product (which will not be part of the product!) and put it in the first place instead of the “Article”
What I meant is that to have a counter filed “position” as a text field is error-prone.
Moreover. I’ve tried to remove the “Article” column and put “Pos.” in its place.
while adding items into the invoice, I had to add “Article” anyway:
@hillel thank you for your response.
to 2. Yes, I’ve done it. you see that “Pos.” is in the first place - the user-defined field is in the first place right now.
to 1. I will create a feature request.
the behavior with a double appearance of Pos is a bug? shall I also report it in github?
Here is a way to make first column “Pos” with css autosequence numbers:
Create first custom field “Pos” in product custom fields
Add css code in template:
body {
counter-reset: seq_num; /* Set a counter named 'seq_num', and its initial value is 0. */
[data-ref="product_table-product.product1-td"]::before {
counter-increment: seq_num; /* Increment the value of section counter by 1 */
content: counter(seq_num); /* Display the word 'seq_num', the value of seq_num counter, and a colon before the content of each td */