Hi @hillel , @ben , @david ,
I am on v5.3.33-C67 but have still no success with $client_counter nor $project.name including in template. Were you able to replicate this issue?
Kind regards
I think I see your issue, if you wish to have a dedicated client counter on the projects, then you would need to configure the pattern on the client settings. This will increment the counter for the client projects just on that clients counter.
Hi @david , did you had the chance to replicate my workflow and advice a soluntion? Meanwhile I even tested with groups and group_counter but could not get it working.
Thank you @david , this will be a huge workflow improvement. We rely strict to generated project numbers to identify files, emails e.g. in client communication. In that scenario it would be helpful to have a
New Project
in clients-view, which is more common than + New Task. Further more it would be useful to have
Clone Client
to have the client defined generated numbers always properly inherited.