Issue with $counter and $client_counter

Dear All,

On my self hosted (5.1.43), for invoices numbers, when I do :

I have : F-456-90
it’s ok.

But if I write :
The number is : F-01-90-01

l think there is an issue when $client_counter is used in the same time as $counter.



Thanks for the feedback!

cc @david

We only support a single counter, there isn’t a way currently to combine counters like this.

In V4, it was possible to combine $counter and $client_counter…

@david ,

I am on v5.3.29-C62 an want to generate project numbers like:


Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-04 um 18.07.45

But end up with this:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-04 um 18.07.23

I had expected to have each Project of a Client named e.g. like this:


I have tested with $group_counter too, but seems to be identical. Once I tested in earlier version I though it was working properly:

Right now i switched from Ubuntu 20.04 Server Rasperry to Shared-Hosting without root access.

Do you have any ideas?

Hi @hillel , @ben , @david ,
I am on v5.3.33-C67 but have still no success with $client_counter nor $ including in template. Were you able to replicate this issue?
Kind regards


I think I see your issue, if you wish to have a dedicated client counter on the projects, then you would need to configure the pattern on the client settings. This will increment the counter for the client projects just on that clients counter.

Thank you @david for your help.

I tried to get it work, but I fail.

I cleaned the global gen. no. settings


Set up a dummy Account with two Clients:

Left the client gen. no. settings blank to the idea they would inherit the global settings:

… an configured the the numbers like this vor each Client:

but I get this project numbers:

I want to achieve something like this:

ACL-0001 as project number/reference.

One usability improvment: In Client-View should also be a

+ New Project

If this client-centered approach works it would be helpful to Clone a Client, so that you just have to adjust the given settings.

Can you advise a, how I can setup this number-issue, please?

Hi @david , did you had the chance to replicate my workflow and advice a soluntion? Meanwhile I even tested with groups and group_counter but could not get it working.


I haven’t had a chance to relook at this, however in my first pass I was able to create this as you described (i think).

One thing i think you are using $client_id_number instead of $client_number

try with that reference and it should work?

Hello @david ,

thank you for your reply and your time.

I could not get it work neither.

I setup a blank account and configured 2 Clients like this:

When do a new Project the numbers are wrong, or not as defined in Client-Setup. Even the client_counter does not count correct.

The Number are:


But should be:


Even if I use $client_number like here:

Project numbers are like this (simple number increment instead of generated number scheme):

Do you have an idea?

@cdahinten :arrow_up: that was helpful.

I was able to recreate this, checking the code it appears that we did not support client counters down to the project level.

The good news is that I was able to get this working and it will be available in the next release.

Thank you @david , this will be a huge workflow improvement. We rely strict to generated project numbers to identify files, emails e.g. in client communication. In that scenario it would be helpful to have a

  • New Project

in clients-view, which is more common than + New Task. Further more it would be useful to have

  • Clone Client

to have the client defined generated numbers always properly inherited.

Hi @david , thank you very much. I can confirm: In v5.3.35-C68 the counters work as intended!



Thanks for the update!