Is there an established update process from v4 to v5?

Hi there everyone!

I am contemplating updating from v4 to v5 and wanted to ask if there’s an established update process that I could read and follow. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time!


To upgrade from v4 you need to install v5 as a separate app and then use the migration tool in the latest version of v4 on Settings > Account Management.

Thanks so much! After I do this, if I want to change my new install to reflect the old directory, are there any files or db elements I need to change? For instance, if I install v5 in directory new and after migration, want to change the directory from new to old(where v4 was), do I need to modify any files or database entries to reflect the new path for v5?

You need to change the APP_URL value in the .env file and then run php artisan opttimize to change the app URL