iOS App Crashing

Anyone else having issues with the iOS and iPadOS app crashing? This has been ongoing since the most recent update. I’ve noticed it mostly when trying to add items or update a quote. App and device restarts don’t fix the issue.

Not sure how to debug this one. Any advice?


I haven’t been able to reproduce this.

  • Which version of the backend app are using?

  • Can you provide steps to make the app crash?

v. 5.8.11
App is v. 5.0.148
iPadOS 17.1.1

I tried to get you a screen recording of the crash, but now it’s not doing it lol. It’s very intermittent - it will crash consistently for a while, then works fine for a while.

Open app
Open an existing quote or create a new quote.
attempt to add an item to the quote - the product list won’t load, cursor jumps to description line
app crashes

Do you have a lot of projects in your account?

Do the mobile and iPad apps crash the same way?

I currently have 22 active quotes.

It happens much less frequently on mobile, so I haven’t been able to pin down the exact sequence for that.

Ok, please let us know if you’re able to determine steps to reproduce.

@hillel I was able to grab a video on the iPad today. This is while attempting to edit a PO.

Thanks but the link is giving me a 404.

Seems to be an issue with imgur as I can’t access it either. I sent you a link to the video in a message

I don’t see a message, did you send it on the forum?

You may want to email it to, please mention my name.

Maybe not, says you aren’t accepting messages. I will email it.

Just sent the email.

Can you please attach the video directly to the email?

Just resent attached

Thanks, which PDF renderer are you using?

Also, if you disable the PDF preview on Settings > Device Settings does it prevent the app from crashing?

Using hosted_ninja and turning off preview and it still crashed.

Does the crash always occur on the edit invoice (or quote/credit/PO) screen?

That’s the only place that I’ve experienced the crash, yes.

Thanks, that’s helpful to know!

The video was for the macOS app, do the iPad and iOS crash on the same screen?

Do you have any idea what’s triggering the crash?

If you want to add as a user in your account I can try ti reproduce the error.

The video was a screen recording on my iPad. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the iOS crash so I don’t recall. I don’t have this issue with Mac or Windows versions.