Invoices always more than payments?

For the last few months or so I’ve been trying to figure out why on the dashboard my “Invoices” is always more than “Payments”. Currently for the year, invoices is showing $1,625 more than payments. I have no open/overdue invoices, only carrying $200 in credit, $50 in overpayment, no open/active quotes. If I look at the dashboard for the month only, Invoices shows $200 over which I assume is the credit? I’m not really sure how to read it because that is credit and not invoiced. Still doesn’t make sense that for the year invoices shows $1625 more than Payments but nothing is pending or overdue.

I wish the dashboard had a little more info or was more clear as this makes me think I’m missing something or something is wrong.


Are you using the Flutter or the React app?

Do you see a difference between the two apps?

React, I will look and see if flutter shows something different.

@hillel @david

I did play with the desktop app and that UI shows different information on the dashboard. I can make better sense of that information but… In Flutter it shows $200 more in “Active Invoices” than Completed Payments". Currently carrying $200 in credit for one client so that kind of makes sense. The $200 was entered as a credit in the system and NOT an invoice. In my mind that $200 shift should show as part of the “Completed Payment” total as it is money we have been paid. It has not been applied to an invoice(s) yet so it should not be part of “active invoices” total - in my opinion.

Back to the React dashboard…
If I look at the dashboard for just the current month the numbers look okay, again shows $200 more in invoices even though this a credit and payment received and not yet part of an invoice.

When I look at the dashboard set for “this year” the "Invoices total is still way more than the “Payments” total. $1725 more to be exact. As mentioned above there is only one open invoice for $50 and a credit for $200 open. ALL other invoices paid so I am not sure how the system is coming up with such a big discrepancy.

Maybe the term “Invoices” for the purpose of the dashboard is used losely and not just invoices as I assume it should be. Even so, I can’t make the numbers make sense especially using “This Year” view on the dashboard.


You can use the desktop app to check with the Flutter app.

@hillel @david

Not sure why my reply today May 27 shows 6 days ago but a bump and more info:

I forgot to mention that we do deal with credit and overpayment fairly regularly. When overpayments occur, a later invoice is created and that overpayment from the older invoice applied to the new. Could this be throwing the number off??

Still looking for support on this guys. My Invoices amount on the dashboard continues to grow beyond the Payments cash amount now into a couple thousand dollars difference which doesn’t make sense when all invoices are paid to date.

In the Flutter app you can click in the dashboard charts to see which records are being included, maybe it will help you better understand the totals.

I’m trying to tap around on the dashboard in the phone app and its not doing anything. When I look at Invoices in phone app no upcoming invoices or past due. The numbers show the same in the app as in the react UI. I think the “Invoices” dollar amount is taking something into the calculation it shouldn’t be. As I mentioned we do take and track credit but it gets applied to invoices as they are created but even so the difference does not equal the open credit. I’ve looked through my deleted invoices but the only ones there are my first test invoices which were all 0$ and I have no archived invoices.

Shouldn’t the “Invoices” and “Payments” dollar amounts be the same if all invoices are paid and there are none open?

Is there some way we can work faster on figuring this out? I don’t want to caught up with incorrect information at tax time. I’m happy to share whatever non customer data info would be helpful via screenshots or remote session etc.

The Flutter desktop app supports clicking a date to see the relevant records.

Not necessarily, the invoice report uses the invoice date whereas the payment report used the payment date.

Hrm, I guess I’m still not seeing how this will help determine why the numbers are off. I have the desktop app and clicking on the charts on the dashboard does not seem to do anything. On the far right it shows no active or overdue invoices which is correct. In both Flutter and React UI I am looking at the year view and I only started using IN in late January and first invoices in February so this is reflecting all totals from the beginning. I am still not understanding how they can be different dollar amounts even based on dates. There are no current/future/open invoices the difference can be coming from.

If you click the chart in the dashboard you should see the records on the selected date in the sidebar.

Note: this only applies to the individual charts, not the total at the top.

I’m not following how this will help me? The totals is where the issue is.

Are the individual charts correct?

Yes they appear to be…if I click on the graph in the payments section for example, it shows payments on that date. I’m still not sure how this is helping figure out the cause of the difference in the totals?

Currently viewing in flutter app it shows active invoices as $2275.50 more than completed payments. This is the same difference as shown in the react UI between Invoices and Payments. This makes no sense as I don’t even deal in change only in full dollar rates…and no taxes etc. There is only one “open” invoice for $50 currently.

Can @david comment on this and help me understand where this calculation comes from or if I have some error in my instance? This could be a serious issue for my business in reporting accurate information. I’m sorry hillel, you have helped me a lot and I appreciate it but I just don’t feel like we are making progress here and I need some support.

Thank you guys.

Guys how can I get support on this question? Please don’t let this be one of those threads that just stops getting responses. I love the product and suggest it to everyone - you have used my words in promotional bits. I just need reassurance that something is not wrong with my instance and to understand why these numbers are off and continue to grow in this way.

I got the impression you didn’t want my help any more…

Unless all invoices are paid on the same day they’re created I wouldn’t expect the two charts to match. As explained above one chart uses the invoice date, the other uses the payment date.

I suggest starting by looking to see if you have any invoices that have cents to help explain why the total is .50.


Please check for any archived invoices. The amounts of unpaid invoice that have been ARCHIVED will still count towards the total amount shown in the dashboard. That may be the cause of your discrepancy


I apologize for the way I came off I am just feeling like we are not making progress to find the answer and was hoping David or other support/Devs could help me understand. I appreciate your efforts and I have said as much numerous times.

Regarding the dates of invoices and payments…wouldn’t they match up eventually? And it still doesn’t make sense to me that the difference is continuing to grow. The bulk of our billing is within a one week period each month with smaller payments during the week. If it was just a date issue I would expect to see the difference lesson at times and at least come closer to matching but that is not the case.

As I mentioned in previous posts the only thing I can come up with is possibly credits or overpayments are somehow being calculated incorrectly as part of the “Active Invoices” dollar amount but even then I can not make the numbers match up.

On the dashboard “Active Invoices” in my mind should be currently open invoices for the time period but it seems to be some kind of total instead. An invoice (to me) would no longer be “active” if it is paid in full/closed. This is a little besides the point probably but just trying to give insight into how I am seeing things. EDIT - in the react UI it is not shown as “active” invoices I just realized my mistake but just “invoices”.

Thank you for the tip. I had initially thought this also and did check all deleted and archived invoices. The only ones I found were a handful of archived initial test invoices sent to myself and clients while transitioning. All of those invoices were $0. I just went fully live with IN the end of January, first full month was February and so far I have not used the archive feature for any live “real” invoices.