InvoiceNinja Dunning Process: Issues with Tax Calculation and Invoice Text Display


I have a small question regarding the dunning process in InvoiceNinja. Yesterday, I sent a second reminder to a customer for the first time. Everything seems fine so far—the calculation was correct, and the delivery was smooth. However, I’ve noticed two issues. First, a tax was calculated, which is not allowed for reminder fees and default interest in Germany; these were not included in the first invoice. Second, I observed that there is no invoice text or invoice layout visible on both reminders. Is there somewhere I can adjust or set these?

Thank you.


I believe if you use line item taxes the late fee won’t be taxed.

You can customize the reminder email templates on Settings > Templates and reminders.

Thanks for the quick response.

  1. Tax: I thought the same, as you can see in the screenshots, it’s also configured, but taxes are still being calculated.

    Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 11.50.50

  2. It’s not about the email template; that’s customized. The concern is about the text on the PDF export, as I also intend to send these by mail.

  1. Can you post a full screenshot of the edit invoice screen?

  2. I don’t believe that’s supported, feel free to create an issue to request it.

Is that enough? At the moment, I’m unable to blur the rest of the information, and I don’t want to publish any customer information. If you need more, I will work on that over the weekend.

Can you please post a screenshot of your settings on Settings > Tax Settings

Here you go!

@david do you have any suggestions?

If auto taxes calculations are enabled, then even the fees would be charged taxes. In the next release - for this region - i’ve disabled the taxes on fees.