Invoice terms not used for recurring invoices - part 2

I migrated my installation from v4 to v5 yesterday and so far everything is okay besides of the default company terms. I created a test company, added some default values and a recurring invoice, but the default values are missing in the generated PDF. How can this be?

@david any thoughts?

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I can’t recreate this. When i set default terms, these appear for me on the generated invoices.

What else can I do then? I could also grant you access to the system with another user and you could try yourself?

Or are there any logs related to these default values?

I guess for now I just set them manually…

Just installed the update and in my testaccount it now works. Weird. I will keep an eye on that one. Thanks for your help so far :slight_smile:



Are you on the latest version of the app? v5.3.23


I think another - unrelated - issue may be impacting this, we have checked in a fix which may resolve this for you in the next release.

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Hey David,

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, I updated yesterday to version v5.3.23. Since then it is working for my test company. At least it looks like that. So everything seems to be good. However I set the values anyway just to make sure in my production company. Think I’m going to give this a try in a few months when the first invoices have been rolled out :slight_smile: Thanks for the support! I would consider this solved so far.

Just one more question: could you link the issue? I would be curious to check it out and maybe even see the source code. Thank you again! :slight_smile: