Invoice sent to customer wrong format and url to see the invoice send a 502 Bad gateway on Nginx

Hi guys,

Really good work with the project, we may do some work for it in the near future. I am testing it and I have found the following issue.
When sending the email to the customer with the invoice I can see this on my gmail account :

So is not formatting it right on the sending?
Also when I click the link:
it triggers a 502 error

Could you let me know if there is something I could test in order to fix this?
Also Do you have any rough date about releasing the first production version? we are going to go for the v5 but it seems is still under heavy development.


Hi There,

It looks like the plain email template is selected. We’ll need to see why this is not rendering as expected @ben

In regards to the 502, this looks like a nginx configuration issue. Are you using the nginx template in our guide?

Brilliant, I changed the email configuration to “clear” and that did the trick.

I will try the nginx template once again as probably it was my fault.

Cheers guys! By the way in January we plan to translate all the es_ES for you guys, thanks for the good work.