Invoice/Quote terms checkbox skip when terms empty

The feature works well, but if terms left empty is will show empty popup windows to check, which looks a bit silly and makes no sense IMHO.

Maybe you could set default mode to skip the check if terms are empty. If terms are not empty, popup and check should apply of course.

Thank you


This is by design. Initially it worked as you suggested by users were confused if they enabled the feature but didn’t set terms, nothing happened but they didn’t know why. We changed it to always show the modal, if it’s blank at least it’s clear why.

Thank you for reply Hillel.

I understand, but nevertheless it looks like a bug when empty :frowning:

Maybe all there was to do is to change the options name to:

Invoice Terms Checkbox, when not empty

That would make it clear to all the users.

Just an idea


Hi Hillel.

I could avoid all this by adding one dummy term, so anyone would need to click it and not having it empty like a bug. But I have multi language clients, so default term would need to be multi language.

Thank you


Are there cases where you leave the terms blank?

Good question.

Right now I leave it empty, unless specifically needed, because I can not set it to be multi-language.

How would I set different terms for English and German clients?

Maybe an idea to set it inside?

Thank you,

You would need to set it manually when creating the invoice.

Adding it as resource files wouldn’t work for our hosted users.

Yes i understand. Then there is no simple way rather than modify admin GUI to have for multiple languages and have it stored in the db, like PrestaShop for an example.



Thanks for the screenshot.

For the future…


Where is the location in the backend to set the terms text?? Mine is also empty.

I have the same problem. I thought this box would pull the terms from the terms field in my quote but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

If you’d like to see a change made feel free to create an issue on GitHub.