Invoice Ninja V5 Setup - Error!

We’re look into fixing it in an update, the link has a possible solution

I don’t understand the StackOverflow fix, would there be a chance for support to assist with it or would I have to wait for the V5 update? I really don’t want to move to another platform!


Could you give us some more information on the environment you are running? It is quite unusual for mysqlnd to not be a part of the environment. I believe most ubuntu/centos environments use mysqlnd by default.

I’ve included an additional check in the setup process to confirm whether the mysqlnd extension is installed.

Of course, so I’m using Linux Hosting from GoDaddy (Link:

Not sure what else to say xD

Could you setup a phpinfo page so we can see more info about your environment, in particular it’d be helpful to know which PHP database driver you’re using

DM’d to both yourself and David :slight_smile:

I’ve updated some parts of the app which may help with this issue.

If you can pull in the latest changes and then run http://url?clear_cache=true

I’d be interested to know if you can get past this error.

I downloaded and uploaded the files, it still says “Error: please check that Invoice Ninja v5 is installed on the server”

@Mouldy you would need to git pull from the project. The Releases don’t contain the updates.

How do I do that? I never pulled it before