Invoice Ninja 4.5.40 document attachments 403 - Self hosted

Good day,

I currently have Invoice Ninja 4.5.40 self hosted.
When trying to upload any documents into an invoice or quote, It doesnt upload or show an error unless I run chromes console.
When I do that I get the below error in the console.
I have checked all file attributes and everything is correct, it works before I upgraded to 4.5.40, nothing else has been changed.

jquery.js:9664 POST /public/invoices 403
send @ jquery.js:9664
ajax @ jquery.js:9215
ot. @ jquery.js:9361
onFormSubmit @ create:3838
onsubmit @ create:1049
trigger @ jquery.js:4614
(anonymous) @ jquery.js:5289
each @ jquery.js:384
each @ jquery.js:136
trigger @ jquery.js:5288
ot.fn. @ jquery.js:8481
submitAction @ create:3803
onSaveClick @ create:3765
onMarkSentClick @ create:3758
onclick @ create:1362
script.js:1190 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘errors’ of undefined
at firstJSONError (script.js:1190)
at handleSaveFailed (create:3856)
at Object. (create:3846)
at u (jquery.js:3148)
at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (jquery.js:3260)
at n (jquery.js:9316)
at XMLHttpRequest.e (jquery.js:9718)

Hope someone can assist.

Thank you.

I figured it out, cpanel modsecurity updated