Invalid SSL certificate for Domain

Dear Invoiceninja Support,

The current SSL Certificate for the domain: | 526: Invalid SSL certificate
is invalid.

Can you give me an information when the site will be up again?
We will be updating to version 5 after this.

+1 for me too. Trying to buy a new license, but CloudFlare is blocking with the above message.


Sorry for the trouble, we’re working to resolve the issue.

You can temporarily use this link to workaround the problem.

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Hi @hillel, FYI this doesn’t resolve the license purchase issue. I’ll await your notification of the final fix :slightly_smiling_face:

This link should work to purchase a license:

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It redirects me to the URL and I get the same error message

Ok, this hopefully should be resolved soon.

The issue is now resolved, very sorry for the inconvenience!