Importing via CSV ist not working on fresh docker install


I cannot import anything via csv files. Not a problem with my reverse proxy because I tried connecting directly.
It is stuck on “processing”.

I just did a fresh install, the problem persists.
Importing csv via Import Export over the Settings is not an option anymore.

To input every customer and invoice by hand would be a nightmare. Can anyone help?


Are there any errors in the browser console?

@david @ben I’ve seen a few reports of this.

Note: it may help to try with the desktop app.

Are you on .49 ? i’ve just tested on my docker setup and the import works fine?

I just updated with a pull, but still no luck via the web ui.
Using the desktop App it is working. I’m using the react version of the web app.

I’m on version v11.03.2024.1


How have you installed the application?

If you navigate to /index.html

do you see a different version?