Hi there,
Just wondering if there any talks about implementing some type of agreement contract that can be send to customers for signature and or approve before quote/invoice gets send.
Hi there,
Just wondering if there any talks about implementing some type of agreement contract that can be send to customers for signature and or approve before quote/invoice gets send.
Thanks for the feedback, we’re considering something like this in the future.
Note: the app does support requiring the quote or invoice itself to be signed.
cc @david
Thanks @hillel, I have enabled that feature but its not the same as the agreement and or the SOW (Statement Of Work). Usually these agreement will have much more information and its agreement that needs to get signed before any work is started.
It will be really cool if this can be implemented on self-hosted service.
Thank you kindly
I’m looking for solutions here, too. I know Invoice Ninja once offered a way to compose proposals, and I appreciate the effort there but I remember thinking at the time that it was an extremely ambitious feature. I was basically a web-based, drag-and-drop desktop publishing platform inside Invoice Ninja.
Now that this is gone, my solution is to create a statement of work separately, and that has the whole proposal in it. Then, in the terms of service, I note that the quote requires the signer to accept the statement of work in the attached document, and I add all the other contractual legalese to the terms. It also says that I need to collect the first payment before work can begin.
I set the settings where the client has to accept the terms to continue, by checking the box, and then they have to sign digitally, and then they’re prompted to make a payment. So this seems to cover all my needs for contracts and proposals: the proposal is an attachment, the quote has the pricing, and the terms are the contractual part. This also means they can pass the proposal around their own company, internally, without having the terms or pricing on there.
I don’t believe so, you may want to create an issue to track the request.
I’m looking to add the same functionality