HTML TAG's are not working anymore


When creating quotes i frequently use HTML TAGS such as
< br> and < font size=“2”>

But since the last update it doesnt show up anymore when i’m using those tags.
It is suposed to look like this…


I suggest sending an email to [email protected] to ask.


Couple issue I can see here.

tags are sanitized now. These are deprecated and no longer will work.

I can see that you are using this in combination with markdown.

the best way to achieve the results are you after:

Font sizes use #

# Largest
## Medium
### Smaller

For new lines use two spaces and then hit return


use br tags like this:



Thank you.
When i use ### it is not smaller then the invoice font.
And # or ## are waaaay to big.


The best way to achieve this with html markup would be as follows:


Hello @david ,

without using the “Preformatted Text / Code” feature, we cannot see your HTML tags.
At least on my side they are not visible…

Could you please repost your advice?

With preformatted text feature: <br>
Without preformatted text feature:


here is a great resource for exactly this:

It goes through the markdown and html options on a line by line basis:

For font sizing:

<p style="font-size:12px;">Font Sized</p>```