How to show original unit cost and discounted gross line total


Is it possible for a line item to show 2 different values for Unit Cost (original price without discount) and Gross Line Total (price with discount)?
For instance, we have the following invoice:

The price of the item is actually 20 million VND. We use a custom field to show a discount column, which then makes it 16million VND. But ideally we can show the original price under Unit Cost.

I tried to use product_cost and cost, but they don’t seem to be any different.



The columns shown can be configured on Settings > Invoice Design but I’m not sure if that’s supported.

From what I could find, it’s not supported. But this means the unit price is kind of wrong.

I suggest sending an email to [email protected] if you’d like to see a change in the app.

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I sent an email 14 days ago but still no reply

Please send another email and the post the subject here, maybe it went to the spam folder.

If you have a GitHub account you’re welcome to post an issue here:

Thanks, I opened an issue on Github (Unit Cost and Gross Line Total cannot be different · Issue #10203 · invoiceninja/invoiceninja · GitHub)