Hide Quantity / Unit cost fields

We are using self-hosted Invoice Ninja, version 4.4.2. and we can’t find an option to remove Quantity/Unit cost fields from our invoices. We previously used 2.8.2 version and that option existed. Is it removed meanwhile or it’s something else? If so, is there a way to hide those fields somehow?

You can remove columns from the invoice on /settings/invoice_design#product_fields


Hello, is there a way to hide this per custom design? I was hoping to only show these fields on 1 custom design and use another custom design for a simplified invoice, one that shows line items but not the quantity or tax but seems if you remove these from the custom designer, it removes for all invoice types.

I see $invoiceLineItems in the custom design code but cannot figure out how to override this for a specific custom invoice design.

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