Hide custom field column on invoice page

how can I rename (unit cost) and hide hide custom field column on invoice page. Screenshot by Lightshot

update: this custom field is for to assign category to products. this way when we generate reports we can check product sale by group category. so this column have nothing to do at invoice page.


You can change labels on Settings > Localization > Custom Labels.

You can remove columns on Settings > Invoice Design > Product Columns.

at Settings > Invoice Design > Product Columns. you can add or remove column on pdf invoice. I want to hide column from create invoice page Screenshot by Lightshot

Sorry that isn’t supported, feel free to create an issue to request it.

is there any way we can hide this with css code. if that is not passible please can you tell me which do i have edit to hide or remove from invoice page.

It isn’t possible with CSS. Sorry, we aren’t able to provide developer support.

Note: if you change the frontend code you’d need to rebuild the app.