Help with invoice designer

I have a couple small issues with invoice design and it’s mostly because I’m not very familiar with html, I think.

First, when I enable shipping address it displays the city state and zip on three separate lines. For example:

123 Main St
Beverly Hills

Secondly, I’m using the Clean invoice and would like to add more margin to the top of the page. My logo and company info is very close to the top of the page. I would like to move it down a little.

Can anyone give me some guidance on these two things? I’ve tried searching and haven’t been able to find anything to fix these issues. Thanks if you can help. I’m on 5.5.113 if that matters.


I believe to combine the lines you’d need to replace the filed stack with individual variables for the fields.

The issue shows an example to increase the page margin:

Thanks for your reply. I was able to correct the margin with the info you provided.

I am not certain I understand what you mean about the address issue though. Just to clarify what I am seeing, the billing address prints like this:

Company Name
123 Main St
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

But the shipping address prints:

Company Name
123 Main St
Beverly Hills

Are you saying that this is the expected behavior? And if not, where exactly would I fix this?

If I use the invoice designer and switch on the HTML mode it shows the addresses like this:

<p>Beverly Hills, CA 90201</p>

<p>Beverly Hills</p><p>CA</p><p>90210</p>

With my limited knowledge of HTML those extra <p></p> dividers are the issue. But I don’t know how to correct this.

@david can you please advise?


The shipping address is hardcoded and uses the equivalent Delivery Note Address block.

To support customization we would need to either expose the shipping address in the UI in the Invoice Design.

@david I think the request here is to have the formatting of the shipping address match the formatting of the billing address.

@david @hillel is correct. My request is that the two addresses match. I pulled up the demo site and the two addresses match there. Maybe this is a bug in the self hosted version?


I understand the request here. The concern with making these types of changes is invariably we make one group satisfied with the change, and another group unhappy that there has been a change.

I’ve made this particular change which will be available in the next release, but my preference for these types of changes would be to have them configurable in the UI.


I fully understand your concern. I deal with that frequently at my work. It would definitely be nice if this were configurable in the UI in the future. Hopefully this change won’t cause you too much feedback.

Thank you for your help. I really appreciate that you all are so active and helpful with the community. It truly means a lot.