Help with Invoice Design

I created an invoice design similar to my previuos one create in v4.

Unfortunately I can’t understand some things.

I uploaded an image to be as clear as possible.

these are my doubts:

  • how can I repeat the header section on all pages?

  • How to remove the gap on the right and left of the image under the “INVOICE” label?

  • I had to upload the image from the previous point via base64 encoding. I couldn’t upload it directly with a path, is it possible to do so?

  • How to add margin to the bottom of the page?

  • And finally, how to reduce the Task Title font?

Thanks for your support!
and this is my template:
Wave-Invoice-template02.txt (80.9 KB)


For the header to repeat the content needs to be in the header section of the design, not the body.

To figure out CSS styling we recommend enabling the HTML version of the design preview and using the browser console to debug it.

Base64 is the best way to include an image.

Hope this helps

Hello Hillel,
thanks for your answer.

I tried to put this part in the header but if I place the code outside this code:

<div class="repeating-header" id="header"></div>

nothing is repeated in the following pages.

Otherwise if I insert it inside the aforementioned code the header overlaps the content

I assume the repeating part would need to be part of the div. I suggest referencing a design which has a working repeating header.

Sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean by: " I suggest referencing a design which has a working repeating header."

Some designs include the top of the page content in the ‘Header’ section of the design, this content should auto-repeat at the top of every page.

I tried, but none of the provided designs repeat the header on the pages following the first one.

I tried with the modern design, in my tests it repeated

Yes, tried, this is the result:

maybe there’s an option to enable repeat that I missed?

That doesn’t look like the modern design

mmmh, you are right.
I change design from invoice design settings, but it wont change in invoice to!

Oh, now is changed, and yes the header is repeated. Thanks Hillel, and sorry for the boredom