Google API unrestricted key - This API project is not authorized to use this API

Hi guys,
I’m wondering if you would help/direct me. I have created a Google API key & set it to be “unrestricted” (no application restrictions). I have also entered the API key in the .env file in my root directory on the line beginning GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=
(i.e. I have entered the API key after the “=”)
However, when I view a client’s details in the Invoice Ninja back end, I am greeted with the message “Google Maps Platform rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API.”
How might I troubleshoot or fix this?

Have you seen the info here:

Thanks so much for the reply & sorry for the delay responding. Yes, I saw the info on setting GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=your_key and
in the .env file.
Both are currently set correctly, but when I view a client’s details, I am greeted with the message: “Google Maps Platform rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API.”
I’m using v.4.5.30.

It looks like your API key may not have the permissions it needs

I have HTTP referrers checked for application restrictions
website restrictions set to
and “don’t restrict key” for api restrictions
I can’t think of any other permissions needed.
Are there any other permissions that could restrict the key?

The required APIs are listed in the doc linked above

Resurrecting an old thread, but just in case anyone gets here and is still struggling with this one in google admin console, the api key must be enabled for for Maps Embed API

Thanks for sharing this!