GMP + Softaculous

I’ve seen others mentioning issues when updating about the GMP message and the alternative is to comment out a line in one of the files. If I’m updating with the automatic updater in Softaculous I can’t access that file. What to do?

Note: I check the current file and it doesn’t seem like is the same.


Can you check that the GMP PHP extension is enabled?

I don’t find where is that I can turn it on/off. Isn’t a “security” issue?

I suggest checking with your webhost.

I’m not aware of any security issues related to GMP.

I have a VPS, so I can do it if is a “switch” matter.

This may help. Note: you’ll need to change the PHP version.

It’s done! Thanks! :partying_face: I have a billing stack going on, I will try to update afterwards in case anything goes wrong.