Getting Error 500 post V5.5.24 update

I used Softaculous to update my self-hosted invoice ninja v5 (ver pre-5.5) to the latest version 5.5.24. The previous version worked perfectly. As instructed, I selected the required PHP8.1 upgrade during installation. According to Softaculous, the installation went smoothly.
However, I am now getting following error

This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.

  • After the installation, I took screenshots of the relevant pages. If they are useful, I can forward them to you.
  • I have an Invoice Ninja v4 which worked without problems with PHPv7.4. However, I get the same above error after PHPv8.1 upgrade.
  • PHPv8.1 upgrade broke my latest ver Wordpress installation as well.
  • There is no error log available in “storage/logs”
  • There are no errors related to this issue in the server error logs.
  • It appears that the .env file has been populated correctly when compared to a known working version
  • The error.log in invoice ninja installation directory has only the following and nothing else

[29-Sep-2022 06:01:41 UTC] PHP Warning: Constant PASSWORD_DEFAULT already defined in /home/xxxx/public_html/inv5/update_pass.php on line 17

Looks like PHPv8.1 upgrade is the culprit on my server but I am not sure how to pinpoint the exact cause.
I’d really appreciate it if you could let me know how to go about determining the exact cause of this problem.

Thanks in advance.


Can you try running composer dump from the command line?

v5.5 requires PHP 8.1, it looks like you may be using PHP 7.4

Hi, thanks for the quick reply. Here is the result for “composer run”

Generating optimized autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover --ansi

   INFO  Discovering packages.

  imdhemy/laravel-purchases ............................................................................................................. DONE
  intervention/image .................................................................................................................... DONE
  invoiceninja/inspector ................................................................................................................ DONE
  laravel/slack-notification-channel .................................................................................................... DONE
  laravel/socialite ..................................................................................................................... DONE
  laravel/tinker ........................................................................................................................ DONE
  laravel/ui ............................................................................................................................ DONE
  livewire/livewire ..................................................................................................................... DONE
  nesbot/carbon ......................................................................................................................... DONE
  nunomaduro/termwind ................................................................................................................... DONE
  nwidart/laravel-modules ............................................................................................................... DONE
  sentry/sentry-laravel ................................................................................................................. DONE
  socialiteproviders/manager ............................................................................................................ DONE
  turbo124/beacon ....................................................................................................................... DONE
  webpatser/laravel-countries ........................................................................................................... DONE

Generated optimized autoload files containing 37369 classes

Just to confirm, do you mean composer dump

You may want to confirm the PHP version by running php -v for the CLI and setting a phpinfo.php page to check the web version.

I did switch to PHP8.1 but somehow it appears that PHP selector reports contradicting result.

I suggest asking your webhost for advice

Sorry my bad. I actually used “composer dump” command to get the above results

From the screenshots it seems most likely the issue is related to the PHP version

I was hoping to gather some info before I contact my webhosting. I’d appreciate it if you could have a look at the following screenshots to see if there is anything obvious. I used PHP selector to switch to the PHP ver8.1 as well but I still get the same error.

PHP 8.1.10 (cli) (built: Sep 1 2022 15:50:03) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.10, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

I checked the web version using phpinfo.php. It is “PHP Version 8.1.10”. I have the full phpinfo.php file and can forward you if you don’t mind to have a look at it.

I suggest also checking the CLI version by running php -v

The screenshots look ok to me

This is the CLI version
I’ve contacted my webhost regarding this issue and now waiting for their reply.
Again, thanks for the help.

This issue can be considered resolved. Apparently it was caused by the webhosting due to some missing extensions.
Thanks for the speedy replies, Hillel. I appreciated it.

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