Get list of invoices for non-default company // Create an invoice for a client of a non-default company


I have 2 companies.

I make a request to get a list of invoices:

In response, I get a list of invoices for the 1st company (as far as I know, it’s my default company).

I cannot write the correct request to get a list of invoices for the 2nd company. Maybe I’m just tired, I’m sorry.

So, I have 2 questions:

  1. How to get a list of invoices for the 2nd company via API?
  2. How does an invoice POST request for the 2nd company client via API looks?



The data returned will depend on the token used.

You can access data for the second company by creating a token for that company.

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Oh, sure thing! I forgot about it! Thank you!