German translation still via transifex?


i have one question.

The German translation of Invoiceninja still takes place via transifex? There are still about 100 terms or sentences that need to be translated. Before I make the effort, I just wanted to know if the translation then also comes into Invoiceninja.

Thank you :slight_smile:


Yes, we’re still using Transifex.


Good to know. Then I guess I’ll help translate it.

I noticed that already the fields such as Active Voices has been translated 3 months ago but are still in Invoiceninja in English. Maybe it’s still a bug or something, that’s why the hint.


I’ve fallen behind with managing the translations, the next release will have the latest.


nice to hear. I have translated the untranslated words and phrases into German. Should be complete as of today.

I miss the following german translations (customer portal dialog), but i don’t want to use this disastrous transifex page… solving one problem … got 3 new ones.
Maybe someone can check why this phrases are not translated to german (my version is v14.04.2024.1)

‘password_recovery’ => ‘Passwort zurücksetzen’,
‘reset_password_text’ => ‘Geben Sie Ihre E-Mailadresse ein um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen.’,
‘email_address’ => ‘E-Mail Adresse’,
‘password’ => ‘Passwort’,
‘complete’ => ‘Absenden’,
‘next_step’ => ‘Weiter’,
‘client_portal’ => ‘Kundenportal’,
‘forgot_password’ => ‘Passwort vergessen?’,
‘register_label’ => ‘Als neuer Kunde registrieren’,
‘back_to’ => ‘Zurück zu :url’,
‘login_label’ => ‘Anmelden mit bestehendem Konto’,
‘agree_to_terms’ => ‘Ich akzeptiere die :terms’,
‘terms_of_service’ => ‘Nutzungsbedingungen’,
‘privacy_policy’ => ‘Datenschutzerklärung’,
‘auth.register’ => ‘Registrieren’,
‘password_confirmation’ => ‘Passwort wiederholen’,
‘first_name’ => ‘Vorname’,
‘last_name’ => ‘Nachname’,
‘email’ => ‘E-Mail’,
‘phone’ => ‘Telefon’,
‘website’ => ‘Webseite’,
‘organization’ => ‘Firma’,
‘address1’ => ‘Straße’,
‘city’ => ‘Stadt’,
‘state’ => ‘Region/Bundesland’,
‘postal_code’ => ‘Postleitzahl’,
‘country’ => ‘Land’,

Thanks for your help but the only way to get new translations into the app is through Transifex.

Transifex is our source of truth, changes made anywhere else will be overwritten.