Generate e-invoice file (5.5.110 Docker)

Hi @david ,
I was checking an italian project that is very similar to GitHub - josemmo/Facturae-PHP: 📝 Genera, firma, envía y recibe facturas electrónicas sin necesidad de ninguna librería adicional used for spanish version.
The project is available at GitHub - fatturaelettronicaphp/FatturaElettronica: Pacchetto PHP per la lettura, la generazione e la validazione della fattura elettronica, sia per la Pubblica Amministrazione che tra privati (B2B) .

Do you think it would be possible to integrate in invoice ninja?

I can help if you need a real file generated from our tax office site to check result, and I can also be available to upload to the tax office site the xml that will be generated by invoice ninja.
Let me know if I can help in any other way.
Many thanks.

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Thanks for this. I am certainly very keen to implement e-invoicing in as many region as possible.

One part which is critical is having a user in each specific region who can assist with the local rules and regulations to get the implementation completed as efficiently as possible.

We’ve been very lucky to have users in Spain and Germany who have provided great support getting these implementations implemented.

If you can send me a DM, we can start the process for Italy :slight_smile:

If you are from a region where we do not yet support e-invoicing, please accept this invite also, just send me a DM with some information and we can get started.


Just see this can we implement for uganda.

Do you support Luxembourg? As this became now mandatory for everything government related. If not, i can probably help with additional information. Should be very similar to Belgium, or exactly the same.

@CRW if you can assist with done information such as the format that is used in your locale, ie. Ubl, factur X etc that would certainly assist.

We have completed Germany and Spain with the help of local community members,

Docker 5.11.29

@david Hello again David. I receive this error when I validate the signed xml in the face portal in Spain. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong.

Here I have an official description of the fields.

Thanks in adavance.

this looks like the vat number is missing for either the supplier or client?

@david yep, now working. Its mandatory use VAT nunbers whitout simbols. And in my case, select single at config → details → type (class).

Thanks for support.