[Feature Request] Notification Mail License update


is it possible to add a Notification mail if the White Label License comes to renew,



Thanks for the feedback, we plan to move the white label licenses to the v5 app and will keep this in mind.

cc @david

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hi @hillel and @david

this year it`s happening again :smiley: my license runs out and i passed the date to renew :smiley:

Is there any settings that i not seen for an email notification when the white license runs out of date or isn`t that feature not implemented at this time

regards Sven

This should hopefully be the last year you have this issue. We’re in the process of shutting down v4 and moving the white label licenses to v5. This should be completed within a few months.

This is high up on the list and will dovetail in with the next version of subscriptions that we are also releasing soon.

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