Export db and import db in new installation

Hello i need to change the url of invoice NINJA FOR a url with HTTPS. The url i was using was a stystem one from my webhosting.

I have now a Sub domaine Url with SSl

i export from php my admin my db and import in new invoice ninja installation removing before everything was inside.
I have same Id & password on both install

i have an error when i try to connect XMLHttpRequest error.


You may need to update the value of APP_URL in the .env and then run php artisan optimize

Thank you how do run php artisant when you installed from cpanel

There may be an option to SSH into the server to run the command, otherwise you can load /update?secret= (or /public/update?secret=) instead.

I edit the .env with new URL + I did php artisan optimize on the cpanel terminal (everything ok)

and i get 500: Server Error

my APP_KEY=base64 are differents do they need to be the same ?

Yes, the APP_KEY value must be the same

I have the new error when i log in : XMLHttpRequest error.

Can you share the full error you’re seeing?

Where i can see the full error please ?
500: Server Error

The full error should be in the logs in storage/logs

i don’t see any file only .gitignore

@david do you have any suggestions?

@david i do it because i need HTTPS and i was using my web hosting domain which i can’t https it

in your .env file set


we need to see the actual error message for why the app won’t start up. Most like a permissions or missing extension.

if try twice i get 500: No Company Found

.env OLD = old env file - Pastebin.com

logs still empty

if try twice i get 500: No Company Found

.env OLD = old env file - Pastebin.com

logs still empty

Have you done a Database restore ? or have you selectively uploaded tables? it sounds like you have existing data and are trying to merge two datasets together, the error here is that there are no users associated with any companies which means your database state is incorrect.

I create new invoice ninja => DELETE everything i new install and upload my old db on it

I have same Id & password on both install

Just to confirm, when you are migrating to another server. you don’t have to setup invoice ninja again, you would just unzip the file, bring over your existing .env file and then restore the database.