Interesting: In the demo the expense is just “logged”, in my system it’s marked as “Bezahlt” (paid).
Following first upload shows my tax-settings, because I must differetiate by normal VAT and lowered VAT (for food or drinks for example).
Oh, by the way: it’s getting a little bit weirder:
I imported bank-transactions by csv. So far so good. But when I created a new expense by a transaction and edited afterwards the label switches from “paid” to “pending” (“Ausstehend”).
I have the fear that I’m not yet firm enough with handling Invoice Ninja. But it seems that some German labels are not so intuitive yet – no offense, this software kicks ass!
The steps are creating an expension. But now even repeating expenses are automatically set as “paid” even there’s has not been any transaction linked to it.
It’s weired and not good for having control over incomes and expenses.
I’m going to answer as soon as I’ll have another expense.
By the way: The error does not exist in my testing-installation. What I’ve done now is to set the setting for automatically set any expense to paid and back. Maybe the setting was not correctly saved. We’ll see.
Oh look, within the React-app it’s working. Well, now I do not know if it’s because I used the React-app or it’s because I reset the expense-setting. With the next new expense I will try it within the Flutter-app and give you a feedback.
I already had another expense I didn’t created, yet. Doing it with Flutter the error stil exists. I’m going to change and rechange the standard-settings for expenses within Flutter now.
Here’s the missing “switch to be set” to recreate the “bug”/issue:
Create an expense (or an recurring expense) and then turn the mark-as-paid-switch to on and (important!) then select a payment-type. After it’s selected turn the mark-as-paid-switch off again and save the expense. It will be marked as “paid” instead of “logged” then.