Error in latest docker version 5.8.10

Hi I’m receiving the following error on the latest version of Invoice Ninja for docker 5.8.10. Version 5.8.3 is the last version that works for me without error.

2024-01-20T19:07:19Z [INFO] [Entrypoint]: Initialising Invoice Ninja…
INFO Configuration cached successfully.
INFO Caching the framework bootstrap files.
config … 27ms DONE
routes … 76ms DONE
INFO Discovering packages.
imdhemy/laravel-purchases … DONE
intervention/image … DONE
invoiceninja/inspector … DONE
laravel/slack-notification-channel … DONE
laravel/socialite … DONE
laravel/tinker … DONE
laravel/ui … DONE
livewire/livewire … DONE
nesbot/carbon … DONE
nunomaduro/termwind … DONE
nwidart/laravel-modules … DONE
sentry/sentry-laravel … DONE
socialiteproviders/manager … DONE
spatie/laravel-data … DONE
spatie/php-structure-discoverer … DONE
turbo124/beacon … DONE
webpatser/laravel-countries … DONE
INFO Running migrations.
2024_01_09_084515_product_cost_field_population … 9ms FAIL
In Facade.php line 355:

Call to undefined method Imdhemy\Purchases\Product::where()

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


@david can you please advise?

The issue disappeared after I deleted all my docker images for Invoice Ninja and pulled the latest with

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

Thanks for the help!

Glad to hear it, thanks for sharing the solution!