Error generating the PDF with Phantom JS

I am now getting this error when i go to create an invoice the log says,

[2022-02-24 10:01:24] production.ERROR: There was an error generating the PDF with Phantom JS {“exception”:"[object] (App\Exceptions\PhantomPDFFailure(code: 0): There was an error generating the PDF with Phantom JS at /home/redstonewebdesig/public_html/portal/app/Utils/PhantomJS/Phantom.php:150)


If you’re using Phantom JS cloud it may help to create an account rather than use the IP based key

I created the account and got a ApiKey but that is all i have there is no secret key?

The secret field is optional, it’s only needed it it’s set in the .env file

Where do i put the ApiKey?

You need to add it to the .env file

I have added the api to the .env file but I still get the same error

@david do you have any suggestions?


you may want to try deleting the contents of bootstrap/cache/ and then try again.