Error 500 saving invoice

On a shared hosting platform, testing the latest InvoiceNinja software, we receive an error 500 when trying to save an invoice. Larval log shows:

[2023-02-25 02:36:30] production.ERROR: Call to undefined function App\DataMapper\iconv_strlen() {“userId”:1,“exception”:"[object] (Error(code: 0): Call to undefined function App\DataMapper\iconv_strlen() at /usr/home/server/public_html/

We get a 500 error in some other areas when saving as well but can save things like settings no problem and can add clients.

you will need to install the php extension iconv

We have confirmed PHP8.1 ICONV extension is installed and functional so this error must be related to something else.

We’ve had other reports of the issue, in those cases enabling the extension resolved the error.

I suggest setting up a phpinfo file to confirm that the extension is properly enabled.

Ah good point let me create a PHPINFO file and see what it returns. We were taking the hosting providers feedback in their portal that shows whats enabled and not but perhaps they have something wrong.