Endless Reminders increase frequency?


I have installed the self hosted edition of InvoiceNinja on FreeBSD and it was an easy install with everything going smoothly. I really like the “Endless Reminder” feature as it seems like it takes a lot more than just 3 reminders to get some customers to pay these days. However it would be good to be able to set the endless reminders to a more frequent interval than weekly, such as something like twice a week or every 2-3 days.

Is there possibly a simple change/hack of the code which can be made to achieve this?

I see the following sections of code which seem to pertain to this but I’m not sure what could be changed to make these reminders more frequent.


        // endless reminders 
        $invoices = $this->invoiceRepo->findNeedingEndlessReminding($account);
        $this->info(date('r ') . $account->name . ': ' . $invoices->count() . ' endless invoices found');

        foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
            if ($invoice->last_sent_date == date('Y-m-d')) {
            $this->info(date('r') . ' Send email: ' . $invoice->id);
            dispatch(new SendInvoiceEmail($invoice, $invoice->user_id, 'reminder4'));


public function findNeedingEndlessReminding(Account $account)
    $settings = $account->account_email_settings;
    $frequencyId = $settings->frequency_id_reminder4;

    if (! $frequencyId || ! $account->enable_reminder4) {
        return collect();

    $frequency = Utils::getFromCache($frequencyId, 'frequencies');
    $lastSentDate = date_create();

    $invoices = Invoice::invoiceType(INVOICE_TYPE_STANDARD)
                ->with('client', 'invoice_items')
                ->whereHas('client', function ($query) {
                ->where('balance', '>', 0)
                ->where('is_recurring', '=', false)
                ->where('last_sent_date', '<', $lastSentDate);

    for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) {
        if (!$account->{"enable_reminder{$i}"}) {
        $field = $account->{"field_reminder{$i}"} == REMINDER_FIELD_DUE_DATE ? 'due_date' : 'invoice_date'
        $date = date_create();
        if ($account->{"direction_reminder{$i}"} == REMINDER_DIRECTION_AFTER) {

Appreciate any help on this :slight_smile:



Sorry, I’m not aware of a simple change to enable this.

Hi @ispsupp , did you manage to install V5 on FreeBSD12 ? I’m looking forward for this but can’t get it to work by myself.