Email no Found Password Reset Broken

Version ie v5.10.43

Environment Other


  • Can you replicate the issue on our v5 demo site or Invoice Ninja? Yes
  • Have you searched existing issues? Yes
  • Have you inspected the logs in storage/logs/laravel.log for any errors? Not seeing errors in log

Describe the bug

Email Not Found when Forgot Password Option is Used

Steps To Reproduce

Click Forgot Password
Enter Email for Client with Email on File
Message Returned is Email Not Found

Expected Behavior

Password Reset email would be sent.


Do you see the email in the users table in the database?

These are the client records so they are not present in the users table. Users are able to reset their password. Clients are not able to use the functionality.

Are the clients logging into the client portal or the admin portal?

This is clients attempting to reset their password to the client portal.

I suggest creating a discussion on GitHub to ask

Ok I will open a discussion there. For reference the issue is able to be replicated on the test/demo sites.